Smog Check California | Servicing For All Models

A smog check tests your vehicle’s exhaust system to see how many harmful pollutants your car is emitting, as well as the type of pollutants that are being emitted. Your vehicle’s tailpipe will have a device connected to it that will measure the car’s emissions both while the vehicle is in idle or while the engine is revved. The results are then compared to the standard set by the state according to your vehicle type. Your vehicle’s muffler will also be checked to ensure that it is working properly without any issue, and typically the technician will look under your car’s hood to inspect the hoses and pipes, as well as the vehicle’s internal computer. How often Your vehicle needs a smog test to depend on the type of vehicle and the model. There are areas in the state that are part of the smog certification program in California and if your vehicle is registered one, you will need to provide a smog certification every other registration renewal period. Circumstance...